Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sew, So Cute

From the "Sew, So Cute" book
My own creation
I came across a Mary Engelbrite sewing book at the library called "Sew, So Cute."  There was a pattern in it for pot holders.  Since I still have material left from the placemats and table runner, I decided to make some new pot holders to match.  It went pretty well.  I only sewed the "wrong sides" together and had to rip it out once.  I knew how to sew on the binding from doing the placemats, but couldn't remember every little detail.   I was determined not to have to ask my sister-in-law for any help, so I just started with what I thought would work, did it wrong and had to do it over on the first pot holder.  As I was re-doing it, I had a couple of "Oh yeah!" moments and everything started to come back to me, which made the second one go so much better.  While I was at it, I made two other pot holders out of the same material but with a different pattern.  These went much quicker since there is no binding.  I really like making things for my kitchen!! 

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