Sunday, May 15, 2011

Countdown to the Wedding - Day 41

I was doing a little shopping with a friend today.  Her daughter is graduating from college in  two weeks and she was looking for something to wear to the event.  I went along for moral support.  But I did take some things into the dressing room.  I have been feeling pretty good about the weight loss so far and thought I might find a cute sundress for summer.  It must not have been my day because nothing that I chose looked good on me.  In fact a couple of dresses made me look like I'd GAINED weight.  In the past I would have left the store discouraged.  But today I left feeling more resolved to keep up with my new diet.  It was a good thing. 


  1. I think those mirrors in the dressing room are the most unflattering mirrors that exist. You would think they would put flattering mirrors in the fitting rooms in order to make you more likely to buy clothes.

  2. We will get there...we need to try a different store for sure...thank you for the moral support and the fun day!
