Thursday, April 8, 2010

Confession Part 2

I did confess that I murder plants. I have murdered many, many plants over the years. I'm always hopeful that the lovely flowers and tomato plants that I put out are going to do well, grow and flourish. They don't. They shrivel and die. But I do get those ugly disengenuous weeds. I pull out the weeds. I have been pulling out weeds for several days now. Someone recently pointed out to me that if I can get weeds to grow - they are plants, after all - I ought to be able to get the plants I WANT to grow. Well, I have a new strategy. I ignore the weeds. I don't water them, I don't tend them, I don't hover over them and plead with them. Perhaps I should do the same with shrubs and flowers and tomatoes. Perhaps they would all do better if I just glance at them from time to time and mumble. Maybe it will work........

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