Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Countdown to the Wedding - Day 15

I'm enjoying my new diet more than I thought I would. I eat protein and vegetables, with just a little fruit a couple times a week. So for breakfast, I saute colorful peppers, zucchini, red onion and sweet potato in olive oil and butter. Just before that is ready, I push the veggies out of the middle of the pan and drop in an egg so that everything cooks together. Its very fast and unbelieveably tasty. The best part is that it keeps me from getting hungry for longer than the carton of yogurt I used to have for breakfast. For lunch, I'll have a salad with a little cooked chicken or ham. Tom does all of our cooking for dinner and he hasn't changed how he cooks much, so I'm watching portions and loading up on the vegetables. I drink two liters or more of water every day. It isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have a pitcher that holds two liters and I fill it up every morning and leave it on the counter in the kitchen so I can keep track of my progress. I do admit that I miss sweets and a couple of times its been very hard. My total weight loss so far is 5 pounds.

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