Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Man Like Bob

I first met Bob Lankford twelve years ago. He and his wife Nettie went to the church that my husband and I had just joined. He was in his late 60s but looked and acted like a far younger man. He was big and strong. His energy seemed boundless. I just knew him as Bob, the guy who was involved in many aspects of the church - elder, Sunday School manager, custodian, usher, men's leader. He was one of those people who is intimidating when you first meet him. He seemed bigger than life and a great pillar of the faith. As time went by, I noticed that he was never afraid to say yes to whatever needed to get done. I would drive past the church and see him pulling weeds. I would come into the church for a meeting and he would be there first, setting up rooms. We didn't have a lot of interaction, but I regarded him as someone to look up to.
About five years ago, Nettie befriended me and pulled me into their world. Nettie was also a pillar in the church and I felt far beneath that status, but our friendship grew. Tom and I had the opportunity to get to know her and Bob on a more intimate basis. We went to dinner or lunch often and were fortunate enough to be in a small group together. They were still our elders and still giants of the faith, but I was able to see them both on a different level. I started to see Bob's humor and his way of looking at the world. I saw how deeply he loved his wife and family. Bob was the kind of man who always helped Nettie into and out of the car. He always held her arm as they walked into and out of a building. Nettie suffered a series of small strokes and Bob was rarely away from her. He did their cooking and their shopping when Nettie was no longer able to do so herself. He cared for her in that way that you hope your own spouse will do for you. Bob was the kind of man you wanted your husband to know.
Bob developed cancer about five years ago and beat it that time. The cancer came back about a year ago and took him away from us on April 15. He had just turned 80 years old. My husband and I attended his memorial service yesterday morning. We got to hear from his two adult children. We heard from one of his grandsons. We heard from two pastors who knew Bob. The theme that ran throughout was that Bob loved God and loved his family. He was funny and wise. He was ready to play a joke on you, but he was also there whenever you had a problem. He was humble and open. He knew that he was perfect. He was honorable and kind.
My life has been enriched because I knew Bob.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful tribute. Knowing people like this changes us forever. ...
